How to preserve skin collagen

From the age of 25, our body begins a gradual decline in collagen production, accelerating around age 35/40. This process can vary depending on our genetic heritage and our lifestyle habits, with consequences such as the appearance of wrinkles, sagging skin and joint pain. But how can we preserve this natural cellular “glue”?

Balanced diet: A cocktail of essential nutrients

Foods that directly provide collagen to the body are rare: egg yolk, meat bone broth and gelatin. But many are essential for the production and protection of collagen. Eat a diet rich in protein to support collagen production. Although few foods directly provide collagen, elements like amino acids (including glycine, arginine, lysine and proline), vitamins C, A and E, zinc, silicon and sulfur are essential to its manufacture and protection. Incorporate foods such as legumes, oilseeds, citrus fruits and oils into your diet to naturally boost your collagen.

Collagen supplements: A welcome boost

Supplement your diet with marine collagen supplements to boost your skin's firmness and elasticity. Especially if you practice regular physical activity, taking collagen supplements is a real asset to fill a possible lack of collagen. It is recommended to take around 10 grams of collagen per day to experience optimal benefits. In addition to its role in skin health, marine collagen also supports joint and bone health. Follow the recommended doses for optimal effect.

Cosmetics enriched with collagen: A touch of youth

Cosmetic products containing collagen help to fill, delay and reduce the signs of aging and revitalize the skin. They act deeply to combat sagging skin, regenerate skin tissues, prevent dehydration and provide an anti-oxidant action. Integrate these products into your skincare routine for visibly younger and more vibrant skin.

Adapted skincare routine: Pamper your skin

Choose products adapted to your skin type, in the morning favor treatments offering optimal hydration and protection against external aggressions. In the evening, gently cleanse your skin every evening to eliminate impurities without damaging the skin barrier. By repeating, moisturize it regularly to maintain its radiance and vitality. By repeating this cycle, you will help maintain the health of your skin and the vitality of your collagen.

Protection against external aggressions: Fight the sun and tobacco

Don't forget to protect yourself from UV rays by using a suitable sunscreen and limiting your tobacco consumption, which destroys collagen fibers. These simple actions help preserve the tone and youthfulness of your skin.

Moisturize the skin regularly

For fresh, plump skin free of fine lines, hydration is essential. Make sure you drink enough water every day, around 1.5 liters, and choose foods rich in water such as cucumber, watermelon, zucchini or tomatoes. Good hydration of the body is essential to maintain healthy and radiant skin.

Don't forget to integrate a treatment based on hyaluronic acid into your daily routine, because this molecule stimulates the natural production of collagen.

By taking a holistic approach to skin care and taking into account your skin type as well as environmental factors, you can optimize the benefits of collagen for radiant, healthy-looking skin for years to come.

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